
Travis vance

Travis vance


Having spoken on three continents (including Europe and Africa) on workplace safety issues, and defended employers in over 50 trials and appellate oral arguments in 16 states, Travis vance is a go to lawyer when defending an OSHA inspection or responding to a catastrophic event. His active workplace safety practice includes defending over 500 OSHA and MSHA inspections in 48 states, as well as arguing appellate matters in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and D.C. Circuit Courts of Appeals.

Having gained a reputation as a professional and aggressive advocate for his clients, Travis has emerged as a thought leader in the field of workplace safety. His writing and interviews are followed closely by experts in the safety arena and have been featured in premier publications such as Inc., Bloomberg Law, San Francisco Chronicle, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, McClatchy DC Bureau, The Washington Post, EHS Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal.