
Sexual Harassment Requirements and How Employers Can Protect Themselves from False Allegations!

Margie Faulk
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that can have devastating impacts on both employees and employers. From costly lawsuits to tarnished reputations, it’s crucial for businesses to implement effective strategies to prevent harassment.

Sexual harassment prevention can be defined as the measures and strategies organizations take to protect their workforce against all forms of violence and harassment. This is done to create a safe work culture and promote mutual respect and a supportive environment for employees.

Unfortunately, recent media and political cases have put sexual harassment in the forefront in the workplace. If you thought sexual harassment and workplace violence were getting better, We are sure you were very disappointed.

Additionally, some of the men in the workplace who were really concerned about the rise in sexual harassment accusations were also concerned that what they used to do or still do would now be used against them. Moreover, supportive men in the workplace were in fear of how these allegations would impact them in the future.

Employers are required by law to deal with complaints or grievances at work fairly and lawfully. Handling such issues, however, becomes further complicated if you suspect the employee may be making a false allegation.

False accusations at work can relate to any kind of untrue claim of wrongdoing made by an employee.

While some accusers may be pursuing the complaint on a malicious basis, in other cases, the accuser may genuinely believe their complaint to be valid. Regardless of the intention, unfounded allegations can be distressing for the accused employee and can be particularly damaging if the allegation is of a serious nature with disciplinary sanctions.

The training requirements, investigation process, and policies will assist in the prevention of false allegations.

Why should attend:

Many Employers do not handle sexual harassment claims effectively. The investigation of claims is one of the factors in addressing true or false claims. Investigations not done timely will impact the results of any allegation. Learn how Investigations, training other requirements will reduce allegations of false allegations.

Supreme Court decisions and the current EEOC Guidelines make it clear that employers need to go beyond simply having an anti-harassment policy. Employers must provide training to ensure every manager and employee understands the organization's harassment policy. Employers must show due diligence relative to controlling workplace harassment. Every employee should be trained on what harassment is, and what to do about harassment if they see it happening to them or anyone else.

Managers and supervisors must be aware of their liability and their responsibility to control harassment including legal consequences from their lack of They need to know how to prevent sexual, and other forms of workplace harassment, and what steps to take if harassment claims are made.

Covered Area during the Session:

  • Which requirements have the most effective results of reducing risk when used by Employers
  • Learn which states have mandated sexual harassment training and what are the differences
  • Learn how training programs can be a benefit or a hindrance if not done properly
  • Learn The types of conduct that constitute harassment/sexual harassment
  • Learn what types of sexual harassment have the most false allegations
  • Learn what prevention strategies Prevent abusive conduct
  • Learn the Supervisor's personal obligation to report any harassment, discrimination, or retaliation immediately upon becoming aware of a claim
  • Learn Practical illustrative examples of harassment (real cases or hypotheticals) using role plays, case studies, group discussions, or other methods
  • Learn about an explanation of limited confidentiality during the harassment complaint and investigation process.
  • Learn appropriate remedial steps to correct harassing behavior, including the employer's obligation to effectively investigate sexual harassment
  • Learn what a supervisor should do if accused of harassment
  • Learn how Vicarious Liability impacts supervisors and managers with sexual harassment claims
  • Learn what strategies help decrease false claims of sexual harassment
  • Learn essential elements of an anti-harassment/sexual harassment policy including the supervisor's role in the complaint procedure

Who should attend?

  • CEO
  • CFOs
  • Board of Directors
  • Supervisors/Manager
  • Leadership & Executives
  • Program Managers, Office Managers (with HR Roles)
  • HR Workplace Compliance Professionals (Officers, Directors, Managers, and Specialists
  • HR Professionals
  • Office Managers and/or any professional onboarding new hires
  • Senior HR Professionals

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