
Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Age of #MeToo

U. Harold Levy
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


Participants will explore factors that contribute to sexual harassment and/sex discrimination in the workplace. They will learn to examine the negative impact of sexually explicit information or pictures of victims, co-workers, and employers. Participants will learn to prevent and/or stop sexual harassment and develop strategies to respond to it if it occurs. After the workshop, participants can plan ways to implement this training to ensure a positive work environment free from sexual harassment.


  • To provide an opportunity for employees to learn about the issue of sexual harassment and to talk about how this issue affects the work environment
  • To help employees understand what the Company’s expectations are, from all employees concerning sexual harassment and the consequences for breaking the rules
  • To offer exercises that empower employees to work together to create a positive and productive work environment free from gender-related conflicts
  • Sexual harassment definition and descriptions
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • State laws 
  • Court decisions
  • Company policy
  • How to determine if an employee, a client, or a customer has been sexually harassed?
  • How to conduct a company-wide environmental assessment?
  • Effective Orientation: How to set the employee up for success?
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of job training


Given the ease of receiving and viewing sexually explicit materials on cell phones, computers and social media, employers, as well as employees, should be concerned about preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. This workshop will focus on the serious issue of sexual harassment and how to prevent it in the workplace. It provides an overview of sexual harassment, sex discrimination, its definition and the laws that prohibit it.


  • Business owners
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • General managers
  • HR directors
  • HR managers
  • HR generalists 
  • Vice Presidents
  • CEOs
  • COOs
  • CFOs
  • Directors
  • Human Resources professionals
  • Consultants
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • HR training manager
  • Investigative officers

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