The process of enrolling with Medicare as a provider/organization can be incredibly tedious and time-consuming. Even though Medicare is the largest insurer in the country, the number of new Medicare enrollment applications continues to decline due to the enormous complexities surrounding enrollment application requirements. The cost of getting these enrollment application submissions wrong can have systemic consequences on an organization, including cash flow delays, credentialing issues, coding issues, claims backlogs, denial management issues, patient satisfaction, and even impact quality scores.
In 2024, Medicare opened the enrollment gates for new mental health providers (MFTs and MHCs) that had previously been excluded from providing services to Medicare beneficiaries. In today’s webinar, we discuss the submission options, which providers are eligible for Medicare enrollment, each form type, how to navigate the form sections, key terminology, what ancillary documentation is needed with enrollment submission, applicable fees, linkage issues with PTAN numbers, most common errors, and best practice tips for completing the 2024 CMS 855 forms.
Learning Objectives:-
Areas Covered:-
All healthcare providers and suppliers are required to complete Medicare enrollment prior to rendering and billing for services. The cost of getting enrollment applications wrong or missing a deadline can have systemic consequences on an organization, including credentialing issues, coding issues, denial issues, patient satisfaction, and even impact quality scores.
Why Should You Attend:-
Medicare enrollment applications are tedious, time-consuming, and confusing. Without the proper guidance, a provider can miss important details like application type, NPI type, PECOS requirements, PTAN linkage, taxonomy designations, surrogacy designations, and PAR vs. NON-PAR status.
Who Will Benefit:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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