
Navigating Medicare Enrollment And Revalidation: PECOS 2.0 Updates For 2024

Toni Elhoms
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


The process of enrolling and revalidating with Medicare as a provider/organization can be confusing and overwhelming.The cost of getting your Medicare enrollment/revalidation wrong or missing a deadline can have systemic consequences on an organization, including credentialing issues, coding issues, denial issues, patient satisfaction, and even impact quality scores. Medicare is revamping their Provider Enrollment Chain and Operation System (PECOS) portal to streamline provider enrollment and revalidation, ensure faster processing of Medicare applications, simplify group management, allow for application tracking, and so much more. In this webinar, we discuss the brand-new Provider Enrollment Chain and Operation System (PECOS) 2.0 updates, unpack the different enrolment types and how to know which type is appropriate for you, and know what ancillary documentation is needed with PECOS submission, applicable fees, common errors, and best practice tips for 2024.

Webinar Objectives

Medicare is revamping their enrollment portal PECOS for the first time in over ten years. Understanding how to navigate these complex changes can make all the difference in your organization’s cashflow.  In this session we will discuss the various enrollment types, supplemental documentation to include with PECOS submission, applicable fees, challenges, and so much more!

Webinar Agenda

  • Recall the key PECOS 2.0 Updates for 2024
  • Understand the PECOS 2.0 enrollment process for group medical practices for 2024
  • Recognize the PECOS 2.0 enrollment process for individual providers for 2024
  • Understand the PECOS 2.0 revalidation process for 2024
  • Identify complicated sections of PECOS 2.0 portal for 2024
  • Understand common challenges with PECOS 2.0 portal for 2024

Webinar Highlights

  • Key Updates in PECOS 2.0 for 2024
  • New Enrollment Process for Group Medical Practices in PECOS for 2024
  • New Revalidation Process for Group Medical Practices in PECOS for 2024
  • Updated Enrollment Process for Individual Providers in PECOS for 2024
  • Enhanced Enrollment Process for Reassignments in PECOS for 2024
  • Revalidation Process for Individual Providers and Reassignments in PECOS for 2024
  • Navigating Complicated Sections of the PECOS Enrollment Portal for 2024
  • Ancillary Documentation Requirements for PECOS Enrollment Submission in 2024
  • Common Errors to Avoid in the PECOS 2.0 Portal for 2024
  • Best Practices for Compliance with the New PECOS 2.0 Portal for 2024

Who Should Attend

  • Credentialing Specialists
  • Enrollment Specialists
  • Contracting Specialists
  • Operations Leadership
  • Practice Administrators
  • Office Managers
  • Medical Practices
  • Accountable Care Organizations
  • Medical Societies
  • Medical Associations

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