Do you know the credentialing and payer enrolment are the cogs that kick-start the revenue cycle of your organization. Payer/Provider Enrollment includes the payer specific process to enroll your organization and provider with in-network participation. In-network participation equal in-network reimbursement for services rendered. Additionally, Provider enrolment has many moving parts that must be manger successfully because your organization’s bottom line depends on it. In provider enrolment we must successfully and continuously maintain multiple provider profiles, directories, network portal etc. You must update and revalidate information correctly. Any missed process in the cycle can negatively impact the providers network participation and the organization’s revenue cycle. This session will review most common provider enrollment web portals and forms and how to manage them successfully. Expert Yesenia Servin, CPMSM, PESC will analyze provider enrolment, revalidation and attestation and the impact they have on your organization’s revenue.
Enrolling with the Medicare program involves the various CMS-855 forms. There are now different forms that must be used by different providers of healthcare services or products. These forms are long, detailed and sometimes confusing. Not only must they be filed initially for given provider, they must be maintained and updated as appropriate. Due to the increasing complexity of healthcare delivery systems, providers, such as integrated delivery systems or large multi-specialty clinics, may have to maintain hundreds of these forms. Join expert Yesenia Servin, CPMSM, PESC, for this detailed review of the CMS 855 forms for Medicare participation. We will review both the paper applications and PECOS applications, Facility apps, Organization apps, Individual apps. Failure to use the updated forms can cause outright rejection of the application and lead to significant delays in getting your providers enrolled.
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