A company’s efforts to retain employees begin as early as the application process. How a future employee is treated during the hiring process, as well as the effectiveness of the onboarding program, can help ensure a new employee feels that they made the right choice in joining your company.
This webinar will discuss different programs and initiatives that will help ensure that you retain you high performing employees. It costs anywhere from one-half to two times an annual salary to replace an employee, and even more for higher level roles. You will learn the reasons why employees may choose to stay or leave your company.
Most companies are struggling to retain employees. There is no evidence that turnover will slow down as more employees will leave for work environments and benefits that more support their desired work/life balance.
New employees typically decide within the first six months if they will stay. They may not leave right away, but they will not be engaged. With the tight labor market, it is worth investing time and resources in developing the company culture and benefits that will not only attract but retain qualified employees.
What we will cover:
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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