Just listen or skim the news on any platform and you’ll become familiar with the fallout that can come from workplace harassment. More concerning, however, is that even if incidents happen outside the workplace, harassment can affect an employer’s reputation and financial results.
When an employee makes a harassment complaint involving specific allegations, an investigation may be required. Courts have ruled that failure by employers to investigate equates to discrimination. So, protecting your company includes not only conducting workplace investigations but conducting them well.
Conducting workplace investigations defaults mostly to HR professionals, and for good reason. With their specialized job training as well as their superior interpersonal skills, it’s a logical choice.
However, it may be surprising to learn that HR professionals often conduct workplace investigations without a specific methodology or without specific training. With that in mind, this course is designed to provide HR practitioners of all levels with a step-by-step process for conducting workplace investigations that are sound and thorough.
The course also includes specific topics that frequently come up as part of an investigation such as requests to not investigate, complaints against higher-level employees, the value of hearsay, and common errors in responding to employee complaints.
Why attend this webinar:
Conducting a workplace investigation with thoroughness and diligence can be a confusing and labor-intensive undertaking. Add to that, the importance of conducting the investigation in a timely manner and you face a potentially daunting task that must be done in addition to your day-to-day responsibilities.
This course is designed to provide you with a step-by-step process for conducting a workplace investigation without becoming overwhelmed. You’ll learn ways to plan out your investigation, handle requests not to investigate, understand the importance of hearsay, and learn specific aspects of selecting the ideal investigator.
During this session, you’ll not only understand foundational concepts and details, but you’ll also prepare yourself and avoid potential missteps.
This webinar benefits the following agencies: Organizations that employ employees (FTEs), retain flex workers and independent contractors. Companies with client-facing operations and employees who interact with them.
Who should attend:
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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