
HIPAA Training for the Compliance Officer What you Need to Know

Mark R. Brengelman
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


The HIPAA Compliance Officer Training webinar identifies and examines the role of the HIPAA compliance officer as required to be designated under federal law.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policies, patient privacy and confidentiality violations of a health care entity, which is mandated to have a HIPAA compliance officer. The proper role and function of a HIPAA compliance officer are key to education, prevention, and remedying apparent patient confidentiality violations of protected health information.

Find out how the role of the HIPAA compliance officer can be established to comply with your health care organization’s mandate to protect patient information. This is an intermediate webinar on HIPAA Compliance Officer Training.12:

Learning Objectives:

  • Basics of HIPAA privacy and security
  • Identifying and establishing a HIPAA compliance officer
  • Duties of the compliance officer under HIPAA rules
  • Advantages and disadvantages to having your corporate legal office be designated as the HIPAA compliance officer
  • Whether you may outsource your compliance officer duties
  • What to do if you are a solo health care practitioner – can you be your office’s own HIPAA compliance officer?
  • Best practices for the use of the HIPAA compliance officer
  • Basic tips and techniques to have an effective, functioning HIPAA compliance officer.


HIPAA privacy and security in a health care setting; duties and obligations of a compliance officer under HIPAA

Why Should You Attend?

Why Should You Attend this HIPAA Compliance Officer Training

This HIPAA Compliance Officer Training webinar examines the duties of a HIPAA compliance officer of a healthcare entity and its proper role in helping the healthcare entity comply with HIPAA regarding confidential patient-protected health information.
Erase the fear, uncertainty, and doubt by knowing the proper function of the HIPAA compliance officer

Who Should Attend

  • HIPAA privacy officers
  • Medical records workers
  • Health care attorneys

Training Options

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