
HIPAA and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Brian L Tuttle
Jul 09, 2024 , 01 : 00 PM EST
90 Minutes |  4 Days Left
Live Webinar


This 90-minute webinar will detail your practice (or business) and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).  We will engage in a comprehensive exploration of HIPAA compliance in the age of AI, where this innovation meets HIPAA regulations for a harmonious future in healthcare.

We will discuss when HIPAA applies to AI, what AI is, how it affects healthcare (positively and negatively), managing AI risks, developing policies and procedures for AI, educating staff on the use of AI, what components are necessary for developing a HIPAA compliance AI solution (for developers), cyber-security and AI., and etc

We will also discuss some of the popular AI platforms such as OpenAI’s/ChatGPT, Google Gemini/Bard, Midjourney AI, MS Copilot, etc

Areas Covered:

  • General overview of AI
  • How AI can affect healthcare delivery
  • When does HIPAA apply to AI
  • Managing AI risks
  • What components are necessary when developing software
  • Cyber risks and AI
  • Popular AI platforms (pros and cons)
  • Potential HIPAA violations
  • Practical solutions

Who will benefit:

  • Practice managers
  • Any business associates who work with medical practices or hospitals (i.e. billing companies, transcription companies, IT companies, answering services, home health, coders, attorneys, etc)
  • MD’s and other medical professionals
  • Software developers

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