
Handling Difficult Conversations: Compliance in HR and Employee Management

Audrey Halpern
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


Just about every workplace has at least one difficult employee. In this webinar, we will identify the various types of difficult employees and various strategies that can be used to deal with them. Difficult employees can have an adverse impact on the productivity and morale of the workplace. At times it is necessary to have critical conversations with these employees. These conversations occur when a lot is at stake and emotions run high. The behavior of these employees needs to be confronted. More than likely some of those that we must handle may be workplace bullies. During the webinar we will learn the psychological makeup of these difficult individuals and how to have conversations with these employees while confronting their unproductive behavior.

Handling the difficult employee does not have to be something we fear. Instead, it involves using proven techniques to defuse conflict with difficult employees. It also involves finding out the needs of others through listening and finding common ground. In addition, it requires understanding their psychological needs and appealing to every employee to help the organization or business become successful

Webinar Highlights:

  •  How to identify the six types of difficult employees
  • What appropriate strategies to use when dealing with the difficult employee
  • What motivational strategies will help the difficult employee change and become more productive
  • What are the characteristics of the workplace bully
  • How to deal with workplace bullies
  • What skills to have for appropriate conversations with difficult employees
  • How to confront inappropriate employee behavior
  • What other interventions can be used to deal with difficult employees

Who should attend?

  • Human Resource Managers
  • Managers
  • Assistant Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Department Managers
  • Consultants
  • Team Members

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