This webinar discusses the handling of state taxes, wage and hour law, and garnishments when an employee lives in one state and works in another or works in two or more states simultaneously. It includes determining liability as an employer, reciprocal agreements, resident and nonresident taxation, Form W-4 equivalents, state unemployment insurance, wage and hour law requirements, and garnishment withholding, including the aftereffects of COVID-19 on these areas!
Complying with the tax code, tax withholding requirements, and deposit schedules for the IRS and one state is complicated enough. But for the multistate employer, multiply this by 5, 10, or 20, or even 50, and it can turn into a payroll department's nightmare. Add the post-pandemic shakeup and resettling to this mix, and you can have the makings of a horror movie! Not only are there more rules and regulations to comply with, but the penalties can multiply if mistakes are made.
All payroll professionals must know the taxation and reporting requirements for all states where the company has employees working or, in the case of reciprocal agreements, living. But for the payroll department that must handle employees who work in multiple states simultaneously or who travel to different states at different times for the employer, the taxing and reporting requirements can become an arduous task at best and, at worst, a total fiasco. Employees working from home can add even more complexity
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