
EMPLOYMENT & HR RECORDS MANAGEMENT: Organizing, Storing, and Purging Your Records for Compliance

Steven G. Meilleur
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


In this webinar, we will discuss how employers should maintain and organize employment records and files. The main reasons why proper record keeping is a requirement for employers are:

  • It makes good business sense to have accurate information handy and organized when you want to use it.
  • Most business owners and managers will eventually encounter the need to produce documentation about employee performance and work history. Having the proper records to retrieve is vital when the need presents itself.
  • Some employee records are required by federal or state governments and must be kept somewhere. Organizing them by employee name makes access easy.

Many federal and state authorities have employment laws and regulations about records management training and record retention, including specific HR record-keeping requirements and document retention periods for both paper and electronic records, you definitely must know the HR record retention rules.

And because they are laws, you need to be absolutely confident that all of your employee records, personnel files, and documents - from pre-hire through termination - are legally prepared to defend you.

What you'll learn?

  • An introduction to the proper organization of your organization’s personnel and employment records.
  • The types of information and records that belong in the main personnel file. 
  • How you should organize the other employment files that you should be setting up for each of your employees.
  • Requirements for retention of different records.
  • Proper retention and destruction of electronic records.
  • Requirements for proper purging and destruction of records.

    Why should you attend?

    Ask yourself, whether it is an OFCCP audit, an EEOC investigation, a DOL probe, or an OSHA inspection: Do you know your record retention guidelines, and are you sure you are in compliance?

    Many employers tend to keep every document, note, and form concerning the employee in the employee’s personnel file – it essentially becomes a catch-all for everything. But this practice can become a serious problem for the employer.

    In a worst-case scenario, the personnel file could become evidence in a lawsuit brought by a disgruntled employee. Further, much of the information that an employer has in its possession about employees is subject to privacy laws such as HIPAA, and FACTA.

    Who should attend?

    • HR professionals
    • Controllers
    • Accountants
    • Managers
    • Business owners

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