
CPT 101

Lynn Anderanin
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


    So much a part of coding from CPT is understanding the parenthetical that the AMA(American Medical Association) has added in the manual as guidelines in choosing the appropriate CPT code for a procedure or service.

    There are tricks of the trade and coding concepts that are found in the CPT manual. There is also a wealth of information in the CPT manual to make coding easier. Assigning the appropriate code for a procedure or service ensures that the provider is reimbursed for his/her services appropriately.
    CPT guidelines are the only standard coding guidelines nationally. The audience will review some common guidelines utilized throughout as well as some specific guidelines in different sections of CPT.

      Why should you attend?

      The CPT manual changes annually and while many reviews the actual code changes of the codes they use most frequently, the guidelines and coding aids found within the manual can be confusing.
      In order to assign the proper code to a procedure or service, there has to be a general understanding of CPT or unintentional errors can be made. These errors may cause red flags which result in audits that create recoupment of payments from insurance carriers.

      Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of how to use the CPT manual and not only assign the correct codes but maximize reimbursement by applying appropriate coding rules.

      What you'll learn?

      • A review of symbols used throughout CPT
      • A detailed look at the general guidelines used in CPT
      • Guidelines that influence the use of modifiers
      • Section specific guidelines

      Who should attend?

      • Billers
      • Coders
      • A/R staff
      • Managers
      • Administrators
      • Physicians
      • Claims adjuster
      • Claims processor
      • Surgery scheduler
      • Physician Assistant
      • Advanced Practice Nurses
      • Nurse Practitioner
      • Medical assistant
      • Auditor

      Training Options

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