Whether you’re looking to build a successful team, department, or organization, it’s important to know how to motivate employees to perform at their very best, as well as to cultivate a workplace culture that’s inherently motivating. That’s why it’s critical for managers, leaders, HR professionals, and small business owners to master the art of coaching-focused workplace communication.
What you'll learn?
Attend this informative session and discover how you can incorporate coaching-focused communication strategies into your workplace interactions and relationships, boosting your effectiveness and positively impact the organization’s culture and bottom-line results.
Why should you attend?
Effective communication is at the heart of every manager/employee relationship. The way managers and leaders approach communicating with employees impacts every aspect of the employee experience, from how well team members understand what is expected of them and how they perceive their duties and job requirements to whether the work environment is one in which they feel valued, supported, and can thrive.
Coaching-focused communication is an important skill for managers and other professionals to practice in the workplace. After all, a work environment in which leaders regularly apply coaching-oriented communication is one that is likely to be inherently motivational.
Who should attend?
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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