The Problem Addressed by this Webinar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming health care, drawing on vast resources of health information to reshape everything from diagnosis to treatment, payment, health care operations, research, and much more. AI’s reliance on individually identifiable health information raises patient privacy and security questions that were unimaginable when the HIPAA Rules were developed.
The problem can be stated simply – what is AI, and what does it mean for HIPAA compliance?
Key Points:-
This webinar reviews AI, the limits of HIPAA, and tough questions that need to be addressed now.
Areas Covered:-
Why Should You Attend:-
AI is not coming to health care – it is here. And so is HIPAA, one of the few laws in place covering PHI that fuels health care AI. There is no question that AI will be regulated, the question is how and when. In the meanwhile Covered Entities and Business Associates must address AI HIPAA compliance to protect themselves from violations and reduce the risk of damage to their reputation, stability, and financial well-being.
Who Should Attend:-
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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