Creating an employee handbook that effectively protects employees and the company while fostering a supportive work environment is essential for modern businesses. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has now issued its list of changes to Employee Handbooks that may render an otherwise legal handbook unlawful. The NLRB can review and modify an employee handbook in union and non-union workplaces. The NLKRB does not consider employee handbook policies restricting employees from discussing workplace issues such as pay, benefits, and safety problems or speaking unfavorably about the company or supervisors unlawful. This is known as Concerted Activity from Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The federal agencies, state agencies, and local courts are implementing regulations in the area, with enforcers circling on audits starting in 2023.
The employee handbook represents more than a mere compilation of rules and regulations; it embodies the company's ethos and values, emphasizing its commitment to its success and the growth and well-being of its workforce. The webinar will cover the basics of handbook requirements and remind us of the importance of staying compliant with a wide range of laws, including those proclaimed by Federal, State, and Municipal governing bodies.
Webinar Highlights:
Why Should You Attend:
Now that 2024 is here, it's time for employers to think about updating those employee handbooks. Handbooks, distributed at orientation and all too frequently forgotten after that first day on the job, are a critical compliance resource for employers handling every kind of workplace situation. Handbook policies help employers defend many employment claims, including wage and hour violations, harassment and discrimination lawsuits, and leave disputes. In essence, the employee handbook guides the employees and the company toward a common goal: a workplace where productivity thrives, collaboration flourishes, and mutual respect and understanding prevail. It summarizes the company's values, aligns its objectives, and safeguards the interests of all involved things.
Who Should Attend:
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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