
2024 HIPAA Texting and Emailing - Do's and Don'ts

Brian L Tuttle
Recording Webinar Available @All Days
Recorded Webinar


In the dynamic landscape of modern healthcare, where digital communication is increasingly integral, adherence to HIPAA regulations regarding texting and emailing is paramount. As technology evolves, so do the methods by which healthcare professionals interact with patients and colleagues. However, maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive patient information remains a cornerstone of ethical practice. In this context, understanding the dos and don'ts of HIPAA-compliant texting and emailing is essential for healthcare providers to protect patient privacy while harnessing the efficiency and convenience of digital communication.

It is essential to understand the new changes going on at Health and Human Services as it relates to the enforcement of HIPAA for both covered entities and business associates as it relates to portable devices, texting, emailing, and transmission in general of protected health information (PHI).

Areas Covered:

  • Telemedicine 
  • BYOD
  • Encryption 
  • Doctors and texting
  • Practical solutions
  • Emailing of PHI
  • Texting of PHI
  • Federal Audit Process  
  •  Portable devices – best practices 
  • Policies regarding personal devices
  • Business associates and the increased burden
  • Patients' Rights to Unencrypted Communications

Webinar Highlights:

  • The webinar will detail practice (or business) information technology and how it relates to the HIPAA/HITECH Security Rule and securing PHI in transmission, what is required, and what is a myth.
  • The speaker will use multiple examples and specific scenarios to offer simple, common-sense solutions.  
  •  Learning the "dos and don'ts" relating to encryption and updated bulletins provided by the Office for Civil Rights.
  • Focusing on the areas covered will be texting, email, encryption, medical messaging, voice data, personal devices, and risk factors. 
  • The webinar will uncover myths versus reality as it relates to this enigmatic law based on over 1000 risk assessments performed and years of experience in dealing directly with the Office for Civil Rights HIPAA auditors.   
  • Understanding how patients can now get cash remedies for wrongful disclosures of private health information.  
  • The speaker will explain limiting those risks by taking proactive steps and utilizing best practices.

Why Should You Attend:

Healthcare providers must be well-versed in HIPAA-compliant texting and emailing dos and don'ts. By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, attendees can harness the benefits of digital communication while safeguarding patient confidentiality and maintaining the trust and integrity of the healthcare system.

Who Should Attend:

  • Private practice
  • Hospitals
  • Billing companies
  • Transcriptions companies
  • Home health groups
  • Health insurance 
  • Ambulatory
  • IT companies
  • Attorneys
  • MDs and other medical professionals

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